Types of Properties in Swift

In Swift, you’ve got different kinds of properties to use in your classes, structs, and enums. In case, you’re up for some detailed info, you can check out the official guide at https://docs.swift.org/swift-book/documentation/the-swift-programming-language/properties/.
However, if you just want the quick scoop, here are the main types of properties with simple explanations and examples.
1. Stored Property
These are properties that store values directly within an instance. They can be constants (declared with `let`) or variables (declared with `var`).
struct Person {
var name: String
2. Computed Property
Computed properties don’t store a value themselves; instead, they provide a getter and an optional setter to retrieve and set other properties and values indirectly. They are calculated on-the-fly when accessed.
struct Circle {
var radius: Double
// Computed property
var area: Double {
return Double.pi * radius * radius
// Usage
let circle = Circle(radius: 5.0)
print(circle.area) // Output: 78.53981633974483
3. Lazy Stored Property
These properties are computed only when they are first accessed. They are marked with the `lazy` keyword and are useful for delaying expensive calculations until needed.
class ImageLoader {
lazy var imageData: Data = {
// Simulating image loading
return Data()
4. Type Property
Type properties belong to the type itself rather than to instances of the type.
- They are declared using
keyword for classes. - The
keyword for structs and enums.class
type properties can also be overridden by subclasses.
struct MathConstants {
static let pi = 3.14159
5. Property Observers
You can add observers to a property to respond to changes in its value. There are two types:
is called just before the value is set.didSet
is called immediately after the value is set.
class TemperatureSensor {
var temperature: Double = 0 {
willSet {
print("Temperature will change from \(temperature) to \(newValue)")
didSet {
print("Temperature changed from \(oldValue) to \(temperature)")
// Usage
let temperatureSensor = TemperatureSensor()
temperatureSensor.temperature = 25.0
// Output:
// Temperature will change from 0.0 to 25.0
// Temperature changed from 0.0 to 25.0
6. Global Variables and Local Variables
These are properties defined at the global or local scope, respectively. Global variables are properties declared outside any type, and local variables are properties declared within a function or closure.
// Global variable
let appName = "MyApp"
// Local variable
func calculateTax() {
let income = 50000.0
let taxRate = 0.2
let taxAmount = income * taxRate
print("Tax amount: \(taxAmount)")
// Usage
let tax = calculateTax() // Output: 10000.0
7. Property Wrapper
Allow you to encapsulate the behavior of property access and modification. They are declared using the `@` symbol followed by the name of the property wrapper type. Property wrappers can simplify property management by adding custom logic such as validation, transformation or synchronization.
import Foundation
struct CharacterLimit {
private var value: String = ""
private let limit: Int
init(limit: Int) {
self.limit = limit
var wrappedValue: String {
get { value }
set {
if newValue.count <= limit {
value = newValue
} else {
print("Exceeded character limit! Truncating to \(limit) characters.")
let index = newValue.index(newValue.startIndex, offsetBy: limit)
value = String(newValue.prefix(upTo: index))
struct Post {
@CharacterLimit(limit: 60)
var content: String
init(wrappedValue: String) {
self.content = wrappedValue
var post = Post(wrappedValue: "This is a test post with more than 140 characters. This sentence should get truncated.")
// Output: "Exceeded character limit! Truncating to 60 characters."
// Output: "This is a test post with more than 140 characters. This sent"
8. Subscripts
While not exactly properties, subscripts allow you to access elements of a collection, list, or sequence type using a shorthand syntax.
struct TimesTable {
let multiplier: Int
subscript(index: Int) -> Int {
return multiplier * index
// Usage
let timesTable = TimesTable(multiplier: 3)
print(timesTable[5]) // Output: 15
Thank you and happy coding 👏 👏